About us
The formation of SECiM's members:
- Formation of the Community’s members is divided into individual stages of formation followed by permanent formation;
- Individual work - each member of a given year of the formation receives materials for personal work (four reflections a week);
- Small groups at private homes;
- Prayer meetings;
- Evangelization in parishes;
- Courses by SESA and own;
- Service.
SECiM’s activities:
- Evangelization courses (SESA, own);
- Evangelization events in parishes;
- Prayer meetings;
- Evangelization activities in the media;
- Intercessory prayers;
- Evangelization of children;
- Evangelization of the youth;
- Evangelization of particular groups and states, also the excluded;
- Other.
SECiM’s features:
- Christocentrism - Jesus being in the centre;
- Solid biblical and theological formation;
- Basing on the Tradition of the Church;
- Creativity;
- Openness to the specific needs of the moment and of the environment;
- Importance of music;
- Joy;
- Community;
- Joyful worship;
- Priorities;
- Passion for evangelization.
SECiM’s members:
- want to imitate Jesus, who lived in a community;
- are a joyful and creative group that is not afraid of new challenges;
- pray joyfully and spontaneously;
- are well-organized and appreciate professionalism in their activities;
- perform a variety of ministries ands o they have a wealth of experience;
- are not afraid to dream and pursue their passions;
- act dynamically and progressively
- find the meaning and purpose of life in the community;
- learn to love and to live their lives to the fullest.
A SECiM local community can ensure:
- faster growth in your formation and in evangelization;
- the use all of the heritage and experience of the Community;
- course teams are formed faster;
- stability in the implementation of projects;
- stability in case of a parish priest change;
- evangelization, formation and courses requests from SECiM’s local communities are determined first;
- before those coming from other communities, Catholic movements or parishes;
- the local community is treated as a SASE member through Council of the Community and therefore does not need to fill in any additional documents, authorizations, certificates as those have been completed for SECiM as a whole.
Relations between the parish and the community
The relationship between the parish and SECiM as a whole is determined in specific arrangements between the parish priest and the pastor of the Community.